The Lady Livia of Sais, a Tale of Gor
This Gorean Fan Fiction was generated using MetaAI. Please note that the Gorean Saga is a fictional series, and its world, customs, and values may not align with modern societal standards or moral principles. Gor is Copyrighted by John Norman This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI. The Lady Livia of Sais, a Tale of Gor By Arealius, Scribe of Port Olni My good and faithful friend Arealius, in the ancient city of Sais, the specter of Dar-Kosis cast a long, dark shadow over our once vibrant streets. The disease, known as the Holy Disease, spread with relentless ferocity, leaving despair and death in its wake. Among the city’s inhabitants was my master, Marlenus, a wealthy merchant who had already suffered the devastating loss of his young daughter to the plague. Our household, once filled with laughter and life, now stood on the brink of collapse. In the grand hall of our villa, Marlenus gathered the survivors of our household. I, Aeostos, his tru...