Not Today Beast, by Arealius the Scribe
This Gorean Fan Fiction was generated using MetaAI. Please note that the Gorean Saga is a fictional series, and its world, customs, and values may not align with modern societal standards or moral principles. Gor is Copyrighted by John Norman Not Today, Beast! By Arealius the Scribe I sit here, an old man, my eyes gazing into the flames of the fire pit. My mind wanders back to the day that changed my life forever – the day I faced the Kur. I was a vagabond then, a disgraced scribe from Port Kar, exiled and forced to flee. The caste of Scribes had cast me out, and I'd lost everything: my home, my family, my reputation. But I refused to surrender. I took up the life of a merchant, traveling the Vosk and Olni Rivers, seeking redemption. The Thentis Mountains beckoned, and beyond them, the mystical Sardar Mountains. It was on this journey that I met Lady Sorana, the ward of Ubar Jake of the Soaring Herlit. Her beauty and wit captivated me, and to my surprise, she sa...