
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Great Plan: 15th Year Celebration of the Founding of Port Olni

This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI. 9th Article for the Gazette Port Olni, 6th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar Journal of Arealius, Scribe of Port Olni Today, I had the pleasure of conversing with Lady Aille, the esteemed organizer of our city’s grand 15th anniversary celebration. As I entered her well-appointed office, I was immediately struck by the impressive board she uses to keep track of the myriad events she has planned. Her dedication is truly awe-inspiring. Lady Aille welcomed me warmly, and we settled into a comfortable discussion. She shared with me the story of her past, a tale marked by an accident on the Olni river that left her with little memory of her life before. Despite this, she discovered a remarkable talent for working with cloth during her recovery, a skill that has since become a cornerstone of her identity. Our conversation turned to the upcoming celebration. Lady Aille spoke passionately about the challenges she has faced in or

The Meeting

This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.   8th Article for the Gazette Port Olni, 5th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar Journal of Arealius, Ar the Sailor Location: Merchant Hall, Olni Today, I attended a meeting with fellow merchants and city officials. The atmosphere was lively as we gathered in the Merchant Hall. Willi Mycles, ever the helpful soul, offered his assistance to Kar with a large plate of food. TUSK Lorenzo, with his usual charm, greeted a lady wielding a wooden weapon, setting a light-hearted tone for the meeting. Datian Nykus suggested we move upstairs, which we did, finding a comfortable place to sit. I shared my recent travels and my joy at being approved as a cartographer once more. The room was filled with laughter and camaraderie as we settled in. Datian brought up the need for a formal Head Merchant and proposed starting the nomination process. I expressed my willingness to support the caste, though I felt my previous efforts had not bee

The Kajira

This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.   7 th Article for the Gazette Turmus, 5th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar Journal of Arealius, Ar the Sailor Today, I found myself in the company of a remarkable kajira named Sparrow. As I settled into the familiar surroundings of the region, I was greeted by her warm and attentive presence. Her beauty was undeniable, and her mannerisms were both respectful and engaging. Our conversation began with a simple request for black wine. Sparrow, with her graceful movements and attentive service, prepared the drink with care. As she worked, we exchanged pleasantries, and I couldn’t help but admire her dedication to her role. She spoke with a confidence that was both refreshing and captivating. When she returned with the black wine, she presented it to me with a prayer, her dark eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that was rare to see. I sipped the wine from the very spot she had blessed, feeling a connection that went beyond

Failed Dream

This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.   6th Article for the Gazette Turmus, 5th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar Journal of Arealius, Ar the Sailor Today, I had the pleasure of meeting Darian el Nairad, the esteemed editor of the Gazette of the Moons in several Gorean cities. As a fellow scribe from Port Olni, I felt an immediate kinship with him. Our conversation began with the usual pleasantries, but soon delved into more meaningful topics. Darian shared his past experiences in Port Olni, reminiscing about his time with Lady Lucy, Lady Taka, and Sir Robert. It was fascinating to hear about his life there, and I felt a sense of nostalgia for my own homestone. I told him about my work on the Port Olni Gazette and my travels, which have taken me far and wide. My current project, a travelogue for the Gazette, has been a labor of love, fueled by my insatiable wanderlust. I proposed an exchange of articles between our journals, hoping to enrich both our public


This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.   5th Article for the Gazette Turmus,, 5th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the Plains of Turia, our ship finally docked at the bustling port of Turmus. The city, with its white, shimmering walls, stood majestically against the backdrop of the setting sun. I, Arealius the Sailor, known to my friends as Ar, felt a surge of excitement. Beside me stood Lady Sorana, or Ana as I affectionately called her, and our kajira, Fleur, whom we lovingly referred to as Ours. We disembarked and made our way through the grand gates of Turmus, greeted by the sight of its winding alleyways and beautiful buildings. The streets were alive with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, children playing, and the general hum of a city steeped in rich culture. The architecture was a marvel, with intricate carvings and vibrant murals adorning the walls. Ana and I were captivated

Dar Kosis

This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.   4th Article for the Gazette Sais, 5th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the tranquil waters of the Vosk River, Arealius Barbosa, known as Ar the Sailor, stood at the bow of their vessel. The gentle lapping of the river against the hull was a soothing contrast to the unsettling silence that had accompanied their journey from Port Olni. His free companion, the Lady Sorana, or Ana as he affectionately called her, stood beside him, her eyes scanning the horizon. Their servant, Fluer, busied herself with the evening preparations, her vibrant energy a welcome presence amidst the growing tension. Atuma, the lead sailor, had been right. The lack of boats moving upriver was indeed disturbing. The once bustling waterways were eerily empty, a stark reminder of the devastation they had witnessed in Lara and Vonda. The Dar-Kosis plague had left its mark, and the silence of th

The Adventure Begins!

This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.   2nd Article for the Gazette The Expedition Begins, 5th Month, Year 10,174 Contasta Ar As the first light of dawn broke yesterday over the bustling city of Port Olni, I stood at the helm of our sturdy riverboat, ready to embark on a journey down the majestic Olni River. Beside me, my free companion, Lady Sorana, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and our loyal servant girl, Fleur, busied herself with the final preparations. Our vessel, a broad-beamed knarr, was laden with goods for trade—barrels of wine, sacks of grain, and bundles of fine cloth from our Merchant Caste warehouse. The knarr, a type of Viking cargo ship, was perfect for our journey. With its shallow draft and clinker-built sides, it could navigate the river’s varying depths with ease. Measuring about 50 feet in length and 15 feet in width, it provided ample space for our cargo and living quarters. The single square sail, complemented by a set of oars