The Arrangement - A Tale of Free Womanhood


                    This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created with AI.

The Arrangement

A Story by Arealius, A scribe in good standing with the Caste of Port Olni.

Special Dedication to Separated Mothers and Daughters, and the Care Givers that step into the breach.  

In the bustling city of Ar, amidst the throngs of merchants and warriors, a young woman named Elara stood trembling in her father's chambers. Her father, Merchant Marlenus, had just informed her of her impending companion contract to Warrior Ragnar, a renowned fighter from a respected family.

"Father, please!" Elara pleaded, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't even know him!"

Marlenus's expression remained resolute. "This arrangement will elevate our family's status and increase your value, Elara. You will be a Warrior's Companion, a prestigious title."

Elara knew better than to argue further. She had been prepared for this moment since childhood. Her father's words echoed in her mind: "A woman's value lies in her beauty, fertility, and strategic alliances."

Seeking solace, Elara turned to her father's First Girl, Aeon, the first kajira of the household. Aeon's wise, gentle eyes listened as Elara poured out her fears. Aeon had been like a mother to Elara her whole life. It was Aeon that always had wiped away her tears as she had grown from a baby to the beautiful young woman she was today. It was Aeon that taught her how to be a woman. How to carry herself, how to manage a household. What the ingredients were to create the wonderful meals that her family enjoyed. How to shop, how to wear fine clothes, always beautiful Aeon. 

Aeon was a valuable high slave in her father’s household. Thus she was given the luxury of selecting her own clothing that was very close in style to clothing worn by Elana so that she could instruct Elana on their proper wear. She lorded over the other girls in her father’s chain of servants. Aeon was in fact the first girl of the chain of five. Each kajira given a place on the Master’s chain, first to last or fifth girl in order of importance to the Master and their levels of expertise. Aeon, besides Elara his daughter, was the most treasured female in the Master’s house. 

"Aeon, I'm scared. I don't want to be bound to someone I've never met!" Elara whispered.

Aeon's soft hands enveloped Elara's. "Child, you are honored. Your value to your father will increase, and with it, your future prospects. You may bear Warrior Ragnar a son, securing your place among the high-born women of Ar."

Elara sniffled, wiping away tears. "But what if I don't want to be just a companion? What if I want more?"

Aeon's expression turned sympathetic. "You were born for this, Elara. Your beauty and fertility will ensure a lovely, pampered life. You'll be the envy of other females, slave and free. And who knows? You may grow to love Warrior Ragnar."

Elara's thoughts drifted to her birth mother, whom she had never really known. Aeon sensed her sadness. Her mother had stayed with his father only long enough to birth her. She did not extend the contract to stay. Aeon had shared with her that her mother’s clan had arranged for her to companion a high scribe in the city’s council. Aeon was Elara’s rock and guide all of her seventeen years of life.  

"Your mother may not have been here to guide you," Aeon said softly, "but I am. And I tell you, child, your future shines bright. You will make your father proud, and your own destiny will unfold." Aeon stood in Elara’s chambers after the girl had departed. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she silently wept. The love of her life in this house was leaving them, possibly forever. She wept for the beautiful child as she followed her own path, now separate from her own. Aeon sniffed, wiped her eyes and cheeks. She steadied herself, then followed, there was a household to manage. 

Elara took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. As the sun dipped below Ar's horizon, Elara resigned herself to her fate, knowing that her life was about to change forever.

Days passed, and Elara's anxiety grew. She had yet to meet Warrior Ragnar, her soon-to-be companion. Her father's household bustled with preparations for the contract ceremony.

In Gor, Free Companionship was a revered institution, where a free woman’s family chose to companion a man for a specified period. This union was built on mutual respect, trust, and loyalty to the respective families. The contract, signed by both parties, ensured the woman's rights and protections and the rights of the man’s family to have custody of any children that resulted from the companionship.

On the designated day, Elara dressed in her finest, her long, dark hair styled perfectly. Aeon helped her don a stunning white robe, adorned with intricate gold embroidery. Aeon’s affection and love of Elara shined through as they prepared her for her presentation to Ragnar.

As Elara descended to the main hall, she saw Warrior Ragnar standing tall, his piercing blue eyes scanning the room. His broad shoulders and chiseled features left her breathless.

"Warrior Ragnar, this is my daughter, Elara," Marlenus announced, presenting her.

Ragnar's gaze locked onto Elara, his expression unreadable. "She is lovely, Merchant Marlenus. I am honored."

Elara curtsied, her heart racing. "The honor is mine, Warrior Ragnar."

The ceremony proceeded, with Ragnar pledging to protect and provide for Elara for the duration of their one-year contract. Elara vowed to serve and obey him.

Before the witnesses, they signed the Companionship Contract, sealed with their thumbprints in crimson ink. The document outlined the terms and read aloud to the assembly by a young scribe often used by Marlenus for administrate tasks associated with his house.

"Warrior Ragnar, of the City of Ar, takes Elara, daughter of Merchant Marlenus, as his Free Companion for one year.” The scribe read loudly for all to hear. "Elara keeps her freedom, rights, and privileges. Ragnar pledges to protect, provide, and honor Elara.”

The scribe paused smiling at the couple, "Elara vows to serve, obey, and support Ragnar. Upon completion of the contract, both parties may choose to renew or part ways."

The scribe then present Ragnar with a stylus to sign the contract. Once done Ragnar handed the stylus to Elara for her to sign. Without hesitation she signed the contract thus transferring from her father’s household to that of Ragnar for one full year. 

Ragnar then held up a large cup of wine and shouted, “To us, may Elara provide me with a strong warrior for my clan’s honor and glory!” With that he drank deeply from the cup then handed it to Elara to do the same. Upon her drinking of the cup of wine the crowd cheered with enthusiasm and lusty comments. 

Marlenus handed Ragnar a small, intricately carved box. "A token of our family's commitment."

Ragnar opened the box, revealing a beautiful, golden armlet. "For Elara, my Companion."

Elara's eyes widened as Ragnar fastened the armlet around her wrist. The cool metal symbolized their bond.

As the ritual concluded, Ragnar's eyes never left Elara's. She sensed a glimmer of curiosity, perhaps even interest.

"Tonight, we will celebrate," Marlenus declared, ushering the guests toward the feast.

As Elara walked beside Ragnar, she whispered, "What do you expect of me, Warrior?"

Ragnar's lustful voice replied, "I expect loyalty, obedience, and... perhaps something more."

Elara's cheeks flushed, unsure how to respond.

Ragnar reached down as they entered the hall of celebration and rubbed her lower abdomen. Then suddenly begin shouting to his warrior guests with great oaths of honor, fidelity, and martial strength. 

Aeon's words echoed in her mind: "You will make your father proud, and your own destiny will unfold."

The evening sun cast a warm glow over the festive gathering. Elara's family and friends mingled with Ragnar's comrades, their laughter and conversations filling the air.

Elara, accompanied by Ragnar, navigated the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and well-wishes. Her armlet sparkled, drawing admiring glances.

Aeon supervised the serving of delicacies and refreshing drinks, ensuring the celebration's success.

As the night wore on, Elara relaxed in Ragnar's presence. His broad smile and genuine interest put her at ease.

During the feast, Ragnar stood, raising his tankard. "To Elara, my Companion, may our union bring joy and strength to our clan and the Caste of Warriors!"

The assembly echoed his toast, their cups clinking in unison.

Elara's cheeks flushed, feeling a sense of belonging.

Later, as the stars twinkled above, Ragnar escorted Elara to the dancing area. The sound of drums and flutes filled the air.

Ragnar took Elara's hand, his eyes locked on hers. "Shall we dance, my Companion?"

Elara nodded, her heart skipping a beat.

As they moved in rhythm, Elara felt Ragnar's guidance, his powerful hand on her waist. Their bodies swayed together, lost in the music.

For a moment, Elara forgot about the contract, the expectations, and the uncertainty. She let herself enjoy the warmth of Ragnar's touch.


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