The Lady in the Tower

 The Lady in the Tower

                    This Gorean fiction and illustrations were created or edited with AI.

Journal Entry - Meeting with Verona Lorgsval, First in a Series

by Arealius the Scribe

I arrived at the tower of Verona Lorgsval with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. As I knocked on the stone wall, Verona welcomed me, noting how most people are too scared to approach her. We exchanged pleasantries, and she invited me to sit. This was my chance to learn more about her intriguing past.

Verona began to tell me about her niece, also named Verona, the granddaughter of Jarvis Quan, the administrator of Vonda. Young Verona had an ambitious vision to combine her roles as a magistrate and ambassador by creating "The Vonda Voice, The Voice of Gor." Despite initial resistance, she discovered that printing presses were not forbidden and used them to gather stories from all over Gor. Her scathing editorials exposed abuses and poorly maintained inns, earning her a reputation and making her a target.

One of the most compelling aspects was the softer voice of the paper, Willow, who traveled extensively, reporting on events. As Verona became too hunted and ill to travel, Willow's fame grew. The paper's success with slave dance reviews, suggested by Samos Madrigal, also stood out.

Verona, reflecting on her transformation into law, mentioned how the paper was renamed to The Voice of Gor and continued by Yuroki, though it lacked its original fire. Now a powerful magistrate, Verona's past crimes and isolation shaped her current reputation.

In the annals of our city’s history, few names evoke as much fear and fascination as that of Verona. Once a mere whisper in the corridors of power, she rose to become a figure of dread and authority, her journey marked by ambition, cruelty, and ultimate confinement.

Her ascent was swift and ruthless, leaving a trail of manipulation and betrayal in her wake. Those who dared to oppose her found themselves ensnared in her intricate webs of deceit, their fates sealed by her cunning. Verona recounted how Dyce Bouchier, Ubar of Ar, objected to one of her articles, leading to a war declaration from Ar. Despite many cities defending Vonda, it was stormed and burned. Verona was betrayed and captured then given to the Kur, who experimented on and ultimately destroyed her mind. Thus was born the Verona that inhabits a tower of Port Olni. 

Among her most heinous acts was the terror she inflicted upon the city’s slave girls through torture and maiming. Verona’s cruelty knew no bounds; she wielded fear as her weapon, ensuring her dominance through intimidation and brutality. The mere mention of her name was enough to send shivers down the spines of the kajirae, a testament to the reign of terror she orchestrated.

Her political intrigues further cemented her infamy. Verona was a master of the dark arts of governance, her machinations destabilizing the very foundations of Gorean leadership through information coupled with disinformation. Her creation of a temperance movement to undermine the dominance of Masters of their slaves during celebrations in taverns was one example of her use disinformation to turn others to her will. Rivals were eliminated with cold precision, their downfall orchestrated by her unseen hand. The atmosphere of fear and mistrust between cities and leaders she cultivated served her well, allowing her to tighten her grip on power by spreading information she cultivated and pruned between networks of scribe castes of several influential cities of the day. She was the Mistress of Information. Men used their swords to wield power, Lady Verona used intellect and audacity and paid the price in the hands of the Kurii. 

However, her reign of terror could not last indefinitely. Ubar Jarek, recognizing the threat Verona posed to the city’s stability, took decisive action. Her crimes could no longer be ignored, and she was imprisoned in a tower, isolated from the world she once sought to control. This confinement was both a punishment and a protective measure, shielding the city from her unpredictable wrath.

Years of isolation took their toll on Verona. The once formidable figure descended into mental illness, her mind unraveling in the solitude of her tower. Paranoia and erratic behavior became her constant companions, further justifying her continued confinement. The city, though relieved of her immediate threat, could not forget the shadow she cast over its history.

Verona’s tale is a somber reminder of the perils of unchecked ambition by freewomen and the destructive power of fear. Her legacy, though dark, serves as a cautionary tale for those who would follow in her footsteps. As a scribe, I record these events not to glorify her actions, but to ensure that the lessons of her life are not forgotten and the pillars of our society remain intact. 

May the chronicles of Verona serve as a beacon of wisdom for future generations of freewomen, guiding them away from the path of displaced pride and hatred of masters toward a future of abundant fertility and childbearing for their contracted Great Houses and Clans.

Verona explained her connection to Janette and Kailla and how she and Jarvis decided to recreate themselves after Vonda's fall, creating a backstory with twins. She noted her prominence in Gor's Golden Age and the need for new troublemakers like her former self. 

As a powerful magistrate, Verona's past crimes of her transformation into a local villain, terrifying slave girls, shaped her current reputation. She spent years locked in her tower due to her crimes—imprisonment by Ubar Jarek because of her proven and unproven offenses, isolation, and her gradual descent into mental illness. Her ruthless actions, fearsome reputation, and the Ubar's desire to protect the city from her unpredictable behavior justified her confinement. Our conversation turned to her practice. Verona emphasized her connection to Janette and Kailla and how she and Jarvis decided to be reborn after Vonda's fall and her capture by the Kurii. 

As we concluded, Verona reflected on Gor's Golden Age, her historical prominence, and the need for new voices to stir up global trouble. I left her tower with a deeper appreciation for the intricate history and resilience of Verona Lorgsval and the other titans of Gor. Our discussion ended with a poignant reflection on the enduring spirit of Vonda. As I left her tower, I couldn't help but admire the depth of history and resilience embodied in Verona Lorgsval and reflected on her time as a prisoner of the Kurii and the pain she inflicted on kajirae in the years following.


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